
“A people without knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.

-Marcus Garvey


“Decolonized is our Youtube series featuring history instruction designed to be a flexible resource for aspiring and current late elementary and middle-grade students. “Decolonized” provides students, families, and stakeholders with various strategies for closely examining, questioning, and analyzing primary sources.

In each lesson, students can read and hear first-person narratives, analyze crucial historical documents, and highlight underrepresented movements throughout Black & Indigenous History. We’re looking forward to exploring everything from freedmen's towns to communities pre-invasion and colonization. We’ll chat about HeLa cells and Charles Drew! We might even delve into Ebony Magazine’s archives, The Harlem Renaissance’s favorite resort, and the phenomenal chemist Annie Malone. Wait until you hear about the famous Harriet Tubman quote that she never said…


Head to our YouTube Channel and be sure to read the descriptions! We have a few surprises in store!